Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I can not believe it is a new year already!  This year flew by! We were in charge of New Year's Eve this year and we had so much fun with our Sanders!  They brought over there kids and 20 or so of their closest friends!  It was crazy and a little packed but so much fun! They also brought over "Fredy"who is an Ecuadorian tradition where you write down your regrets and then burn him at the end of the night to let them all go and move forward! It was way fun and Im thinking it will be a new tradition for us!

We then set off wish lanterns, they were so pretty but very delicate....

We also played Yahtzee and guitar hero, which Garrett is very fond of (so are Lauren and I)

Then at midnight we had our "Salud" and toasted to the New Years with all of our old and new friends!

I would like to take this chance to Thank you for being such great friends and family!  We are so blessed to have such good people surrounding us!  I hope to be just as significant to you as each of you are to us!  I hope everyone has a fabulous new year full of good memories and health!  I hope we are all blessed with happiness and the knowledge that our Heavenly Father has his hands in all things great and small!  I hope we can all become closer to Him to this year and know that he is always there for all of us whether we believe we deserve it or not.  I'm so grateful for my sweet family and hope that I can be the best I can be for them this year and always! 

Love you all!

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