Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas Everybody!  I hope everyone had a very happy and fun day! I can't believe that its over already! We were way behind and didn't have time to do everything that we wanted to this year due to a killer flu we have been bouncing around the house this whole month.  But we still had a great day with our family!  The only one we didn't get to see was Liana and her family, who have also been stuck with the same flu at there house. But we get them on Thursday!  YAY! So onto the photo barrage!

We had this picture taken at fotofly. I dressed up as Santa and even though Garrett was sick he did so good!

We had our annual Murder Mystery Party which I think was fun! (I hope)

We went on the Polar Express up in Heber!  Not my favorite idea ever!  It was long and loud and a little boring, but these two had fun!

Jamen not so much! HA HA!

Kortlen had his Christmas program at school, he is so cute!!

Mark's birthday was on December 22 and we had a fun party for him!
This is our baby Carson and Garrett playing.  Is he just the cutest baby or what?


On Christmas Eve we played catch up.  First we decorated Gingerbread houses.

Then we made sugar cookies,

and decorated them.

We then opened our Christmas Pajamas.  Which I forgot to buy shirts for the boys, oops!

Garrett decided to photo bomb our picture, gotta love him!  He was running and saying cheese at the same time.


Garrett is in love with trains this year!  He was so excited when he saw his present and he played with all day!!  He had no interest in his other presents at all!

The "boys" playing with battling helicopters.

Lauren playing on her iPad after she got to talk to her missionary!

We even got to see Brendan for a little bit! :-)

A perfect end to a perfect day!  Watching the Grinch, still in our pajamas and happy as can be!

Happy Holidays!
The Roper's and The Fleischer's

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Thanks for everything!! I have been DYING to try the Polar Express.... good to know it's lame! haha
