Tuesday, February 5, 2013

January 2013

Well here we are in a new year!  January has been a little uneventful except for the occasional stomach flu and a ton of snow! Other than that we kept busy with Ethan in hockey, Kortlen in tennis and Garrett starting gymnastics.

Im so excited I finally have a tennis player!! I love tennis so having someone to play with me will be so fun!!

We also went to Delta to visit Mark's mom and step dad.  We had a great time! Garrett just loves his "mama" and "papa".  We went bowling while we were there which was a ton of fun!  Garrett was very interested in where the ball came out.

I'm so grateful to have such great in-laws!  Ina and Karl have been so welcoming to me and my kids!  We have all grown to love them both so much! 

One last final thought.  I have been attempting to increase my spirituality through prayer and scripture study.  I had a really great ah ha moment while I was praying one day.  I have always said in my prayers how grateful I am for all that I have. But very clearly I was hit with the thought "Am I really truly grateful for what I have?" I thought I was but this month I have tried to notice what I'm grateful for more than I have in the past.  I have always struggled with the why me? with the trials I have had in the last few years. I get so wrapped up in what I don't have anymore or in what I have lost that I haven't noticed all the blessings that I have gained in those same years.  Because of my trials I have become closer to my Heavenly Father. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband and an amazing new family.  I was lucky enough to have Garrett added to my family. I have a beautiful home to raise my children in.  And I have met some really great people along the way.  I still have a long way to go in my healing and in my kids healing but we will get there and hopefully we will all learn to be grateful for all the positive things that have come out of a not so great situation. Until next month!

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