Friday, August 20, 2010

Palmer Family Reunion and Nonnie's Wedding

                Well, in June we had a family reunion with my mom's family, the Palmer's.  It was              so much fun to see everyone again, its been forever. 
Mark, Brent, Larry, Orin, David and Connie. Yep, my poor mom had to grow up with 5 older brothers! But, now they watch over and protect her with their lives.  It's pretty sweet!
And this is the family that made it to the reunion.  I don't know all their names so its just the cousins and their kids, Uncles and Aunts.  Look at all those girls!  hmmpphh!
Dean and Mom the day before their wedding

Kortlen fishing in the river.  He caught and reeled in this fish all by himself!
He was so proud!
                                                                                        Ethan and his fish!
Nice Pose Ethan!
Kortlen jumping off the diving board
Brendan and Jamen going down the slide
Ethan on a hike with Mark overlooking the campground
Kortlen, Uncle Orin, Ethan and a snake!  Ewwwww!!
And the wedding, Mom met Dean a few years ago and they finally decided to be married this year.  Dean is a great guy, we love him and we are so happy that Mom finally found someone who completely adores her and takes care of her.
So, here is Dean waiting for her to come down the "aisle" with her brothers.
And here are here brothers and protectors!  They are so sweet and so proud!
David, Larry, Mark, Brent and Orin
They look pretty happy dont they?
Don't know and probably dont want to know what they are giggling about.
Me and my mommy! Dean and Larry in the background
Me and my favorite daughter in the world!!
I was about 6 months pregnant at this time.
Mark and Lauren
What are they laughing about?
Mom's flowers and ring
Yep, my kids got ahold of the trailer and truck and these are pictures of what they did
Hee Hee!
Dean and Mom posing with Chewie

Jamen playing frisbee

                                                  Ethan catching the frisbee.  Nice face!

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