Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ethan's 11th Birthday

I know I'm the lamest blogger ever! I was going to do a end of summer blog but it was too long so now I'm going to have to do a whole bunch of catch up blogs. So, I will start with Ethan's 11th birthday.

Ethan turned 11 on May 26th, 2010. I know Im way behind! Bad mom! 

 Ethan wanted a go cart really bad so we found this one on ksl that needed a ton of work but I think he was happy to have it.
 We took Ethan to Pirate Island, which has disgusting food by the way, but we had a lot of fun. Here is Mark and Kortlen practicing their shooting skills.
                                                          Jamen being oh so serious!
                                                        Mark and Brendan in a shoot off!
                                                Kortlen doing his best pirate impression!
 Brendan and Ethan laughing about something we probably don't want to know what..........
 Ethan, Captain Jack Sparrow and Mason Yates.  Poor Jack was tortured by the boys all night, we had to give him a extra tip because we felt so bad for him!  He was a good sport!
 The elementary was kind enough to throw a huge party for Ethan!  How nice, eh?  Really it was field day, he had a ton of fun! This is Ethan and our neighbors little girl, Annie! We love her!
                                                       Ethan doing a wheelbarrow race!
                                               Ethan and a friend, can't remember his name.
 This was a funny game! The one kid would get water from a bucket, run down and try to pour the water into the top of the bottle.  They got really wet!
                                                              Ethan and his cupcake!
                                      Kimball (Ethan's twin from different parents) and Ethan!
                                                                    Kimball and Ethan
                                   Ethan giving the little kids rides around the neighborhood.
                                                        I think this is Preston and Ashton.

Anyhow, Ethan is great fun to have as a son!  He has the sweetest heart ever!  This year in school, his teacher was pregnant and they had a baby shower for her.  Ethan wooed all the mom's and he has been spoken for many times for their daughters. He is just so sweet and so considerate of everyone around him.  Im so proud of him!  Ethan is so smart and growing up to be such a great young man! I cant wait to see what he does with his life, he is capable of so much, it will be fun to watch! I love you Ethan!

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