Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Our Easter celebration started on Friday with Kortlen's "Spring Party" We were in charge of treats, so we broke the "no home baked goods rule" and made our treats anyway. Shhhh! :-) We found this cute recipe on the Family Fun website where you use chinese noodles covered with chocolate to make little bird nests. Kortlen came up with the idea of using no bake cookies instead, cuz they taste yummier! They turned out really good!

No Bake Cookies
Mix together in pan:
1/2 cup butter
2 cups sugar
3 Tablespoon cocoa
1/2 cup milk
Cook until it starts to boil. Remove from heat and cool.
Stir in:
1 teaspoon Vanilla
pinch of salt
Mix in:
3 cups quick oatmeal
1 cup coconut
Drop on waxed paper and cool.
(to make the nests, after we dropped them on the paper we pushed the center down to form the nest, then after they cooled we set the "eggs" in the nest)

This is Kortlen making wings for his chick with his hands.
Here's Kort with some serious concentration. They played a cute game where they had ball "chicks" hooked onto a string and they had them all grouped together in the center. Then someone played the cloud trying to capture the chicks with a small bucket. It was a cute game! They kids were laughing like crazy!

Here we are decorating eggs, Brendan and Jamen were with Thomas so there are no pictures of them, and Lauren wont let me take her picture because she had just woken up and didnt look cute. (Teenagers!) But here's my Kortlen dipping his eggs.

And here's Ethan tye dying his eggs. We bought this cool decorating kit and it made the neatest looking eggs.

After conference on Sunday we had Easter dinner with Liana, Joel, Jaxon and Stefanie. It was yummy! We had honey baked ham, cheesy potatoes and brussel sprouts! And for dessert my cute friend made some chick cake pops. It's always fun having family over for dinner! We missed Brendan and Jamen though. This was the first holiday that I havent had all my kids! It was so sad. :-(
Anyhow, this is a cute picture of Jaxon mastering the stairs. I guess this was his first experience with stairs and he had no problem with them! What a smarty!

First day of Spring Break and its stormy so we pretended it was summer and went swimming at the rec center in Lehi. We had a lot of fun! It was a balmy 90 degrees!
Here is Kortlen and Ashton waiting for the water bucket to dump on them.
I love Kortlen's face! He loved it but he looks a little petrified!

Ethan after the slide, I missed him and his exit of the slide.

Well, it was a fun week and weekend and I guess start of this week! I'm so grateful for the talks I heard this weekend with conference. I think its so great that they write their talks just for me every time. I'm sure everybody else feels the same way, but I love that every talk you listen to there is something in it that you need to hear.
The pregnancy is going great, I'm only throwing up twice a week now, so that is a huge improvement. I felt the baby move for the first time last wednesday. It's so cool to feel it move, it makes it so real. I cant wait until everyone else can feel it too. We have our ultrasound scheduled for April 28th, so we will get to find out what we are having! I cant wait to start shopping!! So, if you want to on the comment put in your guess of what you think it is, I would love to hear what you think. So far we have Mark, Lauren, JD, Ethan, Kortlen and I who all think it is a girl. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. no home baked treats is a stupid rule! Those treats are so cute. I miss you guys. I think girl.
