Monday, March 29, 2010


Today, we went to The Living Planet Aquarium, we had a mommy sluff day! It was so much fun! This is hard to see but its two turtles and an Aligator.

Ethan, Kimball and Kortlen looking at the new penguin exhibit! They were so cute and so active! It was really fun to watch them!

Lauren and Charlie.

Charlie, Elle and Xadi. (Lauren peeking up above)

Kimball, Ethan, Kortlen and Ashton.
Kimball and Ashton are our neighbors across the street. They are my other kids, I just love them to death! It was tons of fun having them with us today!

I just love what a great Step-Dad Mark is. I'm not quite sure how I was so lucky to meet such an amazing man! I have never seen such a great dad and such a great example as Mark. He loves to play with the kids. They are always playing whether it be basketball, baseball, football, a video game, a swordfight or gunfight, or at the moment he is out flying kites with them. Kortlen and Ethan are constantly after him to help them with something or to play with them, and they love going for walks almost every night with him and the dogs. I cant wait for ouir sweet baby to be born and to see him with our little one.

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