Thursday, January 6, 2011

Long Time No See

Well, nothing like never blogging on my blog....Sorry about that! We've been a bit busy having babies and stuff! Garrett Clint Roper was born on August 27th at 7:32 p.m. after 12 hours of not very fun labor!  But he is so worth it! He weighed in at 8 lbs 15 ozs and was 20 inches long!
This was his first bath, he loved it!
Ha Ha! I love this face! Garrett is about 2 weeks old here.  He is now 21 1/2", 8 lbs 4 oz!  He is a sweet baby who loves to eat and sleep! (Just like his daddy, but dont tell him that!)

This is Garrett's first trip!  We went to Boulder to see Raymond and Barbara and Harmony and family.  We had a great time and he did so well on the plane, just dont put him in a carseat.  He doesn't like that to much!

Garrett's blessing went pretty good, he cried during the blessing but that's ok, he's a baby, that's what they do! After our friends and family came over for lunch, we have such great family and friends!
Garrett at 2 months old! Our friend Elle took these pictures for us!
Garrett's first Halloween!

First Thanksgiving in Nuevo Vallarta at 3 months old.

First try at cereal!

Garrett loved to hang out under the tree and look at the lights and play with the ornaments!
First Christmas! Decorating Santa's cookies!
Christmas Jammies!
Christmas Day!

Four Months Old!
26 1/4" long, 14 lbs 14 ozs
What a cutie!!

Well, there is a quick look at Garrett's first four months!  We love him so much and he has been such a great addition to our family! The kids all love to maul him and cover him with kisses, pinch his bum, give him hugs and play with him.  He smiles all the time with a smile that covers his whole body, his eyes get all squinty, his hands go to his mouth and his whold body curls up in a ball. He loves to take baths, he loves to be naked, loves to play in his bouncy chair and talk to the purple hippo and smile at the monkey.  His other favorite place to be is in his diaper changer listening to his mobile and watching the bears go round and round.  He loves to eat and sleep, but only if you hold him.  He is very spoiled or rather loved by all! We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for trusting such a sweet spirit to be with us!


  1. Yay your back!! :) Blog more often please... I miss out on all these pictures! Even though I get to see him a lot!
