Sunday, June 30, 2013

April, May and June 2013

Well strap in because its been a crazy couple of months! Sorry ahead of time for the overload of pictures and information!

April 2013

April brought us spring break. We were able to take the family to Disneyland and Universal Studios.  We had so much fun!  It was crazy busy but it was still so nice to get away!

 The boys wanted a kite at the beach so I made them one out of a plastic bag and some net we found.  Jamen was trying it out! :-)

 This is one of our favorite rides! The Tower of Terror!  Kortlen wasn't so sure about going on it but loved it in the end!

Garrett was pretty scared of all of the rides we went on.  I've come to the conclusion that Disney has a pretty scary dark side to all their rides!

Jamen and Ethan on a bike ride down the beach on the last day

Also on April 26th my mom had her birthday, Garrett and I decided to go visit her and Grandpa Dean! We had a great time visiting with them both!  They are the sweetest grandparents out there!

MAY 2013

Every year we look forward to going to Women's Conference at BYU.  We always have so much fun and learn so much!  Here is me, Claudia, Toni and Shelly waiting for the speakers to start! I love these girls and love going with them!

For the last few months of school while I was planning the wedding, Shelly and Claudia offered to let Garrett come to preschool.  He loved it so much and had so much fun being a big boy!  Thanks to these two for taking him!

Lauren and I have been doing girls trips for probably around 10 years or so.  We decided to go early this year because she decided to get married.... Here we are on the cars ride at California Adventure!  We had the greatest time as usual!

Brendan turned 19 this year! He is so tall! Unfortunately we don't get to see him to often, which I hope changes soon! He is living in Sandy with his girlfriend Lexi and working all the time!  But he did get to sneak away and have dinner with us at Tucanoes. 

I am in love with this picture!!!!

Ethan turned 14 this year! I cannot believe how time flies!  He is so grown up and he is turning into a gorgeous young man! Ethan is such a sweetheart and has the kindest heart!  Im so blessed to raise this son of mine!  I love you Ethan!

Madison and Ethan were born on the same day and we have celebrated their birthdays together since the beginning!  I love watching these two grow up!

Ethan decided on Tepanyaki for dinner! 

Ethan decided to play soccer again this year and played goalie for his team and he rocked it!! They started out as the under dogs and ended up winning the whole thing in the end!!  He is an amazing athlete!

Memorial Day
Here we are at the cemetery visiting Grandpa's grave.

Garrett, Ethan and Jaxon

 We decided to go over to Highland Glen Pond where Ethan and Russell love to hang out.  It was such a pretty night and hopefully we will be going back soon!  We had fun trying to catch fish!

June 2013
I decided to make a whole separate entry for the big event, so look for that later. 
We started out June with our cute little grandsons first birthday!  Carson is the cutest!  

Mark and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary this September.  Since June is easier for people to watch the boys, we decided to go to Maui.  We had a great time! It was so beautiful there and so relaxing! 

And, this is just the cutest picture of Garrett, Carson and Jaxon all wearing the same shirt!
Liana and I have very similar tastes in our boys clothing and more often than not we have the same outfits! Aren't they so cute?

 It's been a crazy but fun couple of months! Next up will be the wedding! 

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