Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My first attempt at having a blog

I decided to try and get into this blogging world, because I love looking at people's blogs, so I figured I would give it a try! Especially since we will be having our 1st or 8th child depending on how you want to look at it. We are due on September 12th our 2nd anniversary! This will be my 6th child, Marks 3rd child and our 1st (and last) child together. We honestly thought this wasnt what are future held, but our Heavenly Father has a different plan which Ive found out over the last 5 years is always different from mine. In about March or so of this year I started getting this strong feeling that we were supposed to have a baby together. I didnt say anything to anybody for a few weeks, I finally had to tell Mark, who was a little shocked to say the least. He was a little scared about the prospect, with really good excuses. In fact, we both had a million reasons not too, but I couldnt get it out of my head. I didnt beg, I just kept praying that if we were supposed to have this baby to please let Mark feel the same way. I wanted us both to feel 100% that this was the right thing to do. We were both worried about our children and how they would handle it. We were worried because Mark was turning 50, he wanted to retire someday in the near future, I finally have a couple of hours to myself, and a few other selfish thoughts. These thoughts were getting the best of us and I gave up. Well, I guess Heavenly Father decided if we werent going to listen then he was going to Claudia. Claudia came to me and told me that "this was a little weird, but that she had to tell me. For the last few days she had this overwhelming feeling that we were going to have a baby. I told her no way, I had given up and that Mark wasnt feeling it like I was. She said well, I think you guys are" I told Mark and he just thought that was funny that now Claudia was feeling it too. Then, one day Mark was driving home and saw Brother Packard out in his yard. (He is our patriarch and the father of 13 or so kids) Mark felt he should stop and talk to him, he talked to him for an hour or so about family and kids and all. Then some weeks later, we were out running errands and Mark turned to me and told me that he was ready to have a baby with me. This was about October or so. I was shocked and crying and smiling and so happy! I knew without a doubt that this was what we were supposed to do. I went off my birth control the first of November and we find out January 6th that we were pregnant. The funny thing about timing is that we found out in the middle of family fall apart. Our blended family has always been perfect! My kids welcomed Mark with open arms and Marks kids have welcomed me the same way. At this point we were facing our 1st problem and it was not good. I was ready to leave, only because I was becoming a wedge between Mark and his daughters. That was one thing I could never live with. And Liana figured it all out when Mark told her I was pregnant. She said (not exactly, but close) "that Satan know when something good is going to happen, something that is bringing a family closer and making them stronger, and he tries with everything he has to pull that family apart and ruin it." I believe that to be true. I know that this baby will bring us all together and make us a better family than we were before. We have a lot of work and healing to do, but I know we will be ok. And, we are sooo excited to have a new little baby in the house! Kortlen looks at this app on my phone every day that tells how big the baby is getting and how much time until it comes. Right now the baby is the size of a prune and last week we went for first appointment and they did an ultrasound and we could see its little heart fluttering! What an amazing thing! Im so excited to have a link to the Roper family, they are all amazing and Im so excited to get closer to them and get to know them all better! Well, until next time!


  1. First of all I am soooo happy you started a blog!!! Its addiciting! :) 2nd - I am so happy for this little baby too!! Blogging is an easy way to scrapbook and remember life! You will love it!!!! Find a widget of some sort and put it on this blog so we can all keep up with how far along you are! I will help you if you want! :)

  2. Congrats!! I'm so excited for you guys! I never expected to get another cousin. I hope you are feeling well. I'm happy you started a blog so I can keep up with you guys and get to know you a little better.
