Sunday, November 3, 2013

July - October 2013

Wow! I can't believe the summer is over, the kids are in the 2nd quarter of school and the leaves are off the trees! We had a crazy summer, it seems that the wedding took all my energy and we didn't get in everything we wished we could have.  But we still had fun!

July 2013

We started out with the 4th of July!  We went and stayed with Grandma Ina and Grandpa Karl in Delta.  We love going there! They have a fun parade, a party at the park, a demolition derby with really good fireworks.  It is so fun to go to a small town and hang out.  It so cool to see how everyone seems to know everyone!

The Parade

Ethan trying to "hug" his brother

Garrett and Jaxon having a tractor trailer ride

Garrett, Jaxon and Grandpa Karl holding hands.
So cute!!

Ethan torturing his other brother (apparently thats what he likes to do...)
actually they fill a pool with trout and have the kids go in age groups to catch the fish with their hands.  It's so much fun to watch, but Garrett thought it was disgusting!

But Jaxon loved it and couldn't get enough of catching them to Liana's dismay!

We also went for a hike at Cascade Springs which was so much fun! We need to do more hikes!

Garrett took swimming lessons and loved them! He loves the water and was pretty close to swimming on his own.  I've never met a kid who liked to float on his back like he does. I love this picture, you can't help but feel happy and peaceful!

We dragged the kids to a Bee's baseball game, which I had a great time at! Jamen not so much... But they have the best fireworks ever there! 
Nice faces everyone!

Garrett saying the Pledge of Allegiance with a popcorn hat.....
What a weirdo!

Garrett loves Jason Aldean so we took him to his first concert!  He loved playing along with his 
guitar and dancing!

Garrett loves to help his daddy!

August 2013

We  sold our houseboat last spring and so that everyone could come up with their work schedules we went to Yuba.  We had so much fun!  Two of the grandparents were able to come up. We also were lucky enough to get Stefanie, Lauren, Jesse, Liana, Joel and family up for most of it! The kids almost got sucked up by a dust devil but other than that we had a great time!

Jaxon, Garrett, Jamen and Ethan

Lauren, Garrett, Liana and Jaxon

Lauren and Jesse

Garrett and Mom

Kortlen and Jamen


Ethan and Jamen crashing

Stefanie and a very tired Garrett


Our camp!

The kids also started school this month! The summer went by way to fast!

Kortlen started 5th grade with Ms. Gotfredson at Freedom Elementary

Ethan started 9th grade at American Fork Jr. High

Jamen started 11th grade at American Fork High School

Our little Garrett turned 3 years old August 27th! Its just crazy how fast he is growing up.  He is talking a ton!  He finally is learning English which is good! He loves to eat waffles and cereal. He absolutely loves music!  He is always singing, playing the drums or a guitar of some sort. He is the sweetest kid! He loves to wrestle and help us do whatever we are doing. He loves firetrucks, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Sophia the first and all sorts of interesting things he finds on You tube. We are so grateful to have him in our lives!  He is such a blessing to us all!

Part of the family enjoying the beautiful day

Stefanie and Carson

Claudia and me cooking up some of Claudia's famous spaghetti sauce!

Tony, Andrea and Alayna

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Joyce

Elle and Dave

Our treat table. We had matchsticks and stop (cupcakes) drop (gumdrops) and roll (tootsie rolls) and I made him a firetruck cake!  He loved it and he was so happy!

Garrett hitting the piƱata

All the kids jumping on the trampoline

Garrett getting ready to open presents

Giving Grandma Ina a hug!

Cute Garrett with his cake!  I love this smile!

Garrett with his birthday waffles

We took Garrett to Chucky Cheese for his family dinner
Mark, Carson, Garrett and Jaxon playing the games

This is just a random picture, but he is so dang cute!
Garrett measuring up to the gorillas at the zoo

Garrett started his first day of Preschool.  I couldn't get a decent picture of him! He was just thinking he was the coolest biggest boy ever! Such a cutie!

Mark and I celebrated our 5th anniversary.  We started out the day with a temple session at the Salt Lake Temple.  It was so fun to go there and see a live session!  I highly recommend it if you haven't been for awhile! We then went to The Roof and had an amazing dinner with an amazing view of the Temple.  Then we spent the night at the Anniversary Inn in a cabin room.  We had a great time and we are so grateful to Lauren and Jesse for watching Garrett for us!

October 2013

My baby girl turned 21! Wow! She is now the age I was when I had her. Lauren is an amazing daughter and Im so so so so so grateful that I have her!  I don't know what I would do without my one and only daughter! She is truly my best friend! I love the person she has grown into! She is going to UVU and studying to be a Paralegal. She is a great sister to her brothers, a great help to me whenever I need her. She is so smart, talented and beautiful! I love you Lauren!

We had Liana and her family over to play one saturday. Mark piled all the leaves in a pile and the kids all had a great time playing in them!

Carson, Garrett and Jaxon

Joel, Carson, Liana and Jaxon
The cutest family ever!!

Me, Garrett and Mark
I love this picture!  This was right before that flying pile of leaves hit him smack in the face! 

We moved to Highland 5 years ago.  In my old neighborhood their was this sweet lady, Mims Zimmerman, who would make donuts for Halloween.  I decided to steal her idea so I could meet people in the new neighborhood.  We have been doing donuts now for 4 years and we love it!  It is so much more fun then sitting in the house waiting for the doorbell to ring! 

Ethan scaring people

me, Scott, Claudia and Eden making donuts

Garrett and Jaxon watching a movie on the garage

Beautiful Liana with the coolest make-up

Well, that was so long! Sorry! But I feel good that Im now caught up!  Thanks for reading!

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