Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 months of craziness!!

So, I officially suck at blogging.  I always want to write something, but not necesarily things that should be posted... I can't believe I havent written anything since February! Since the last post, in March, Kortlen turned 8 years old! I cant believe he is 8 already! He started scouts, which he is not really into it, but we are working on getting him there.

In April, we went to Florida and had so much fun at Universal Studios and Busch Gardens!


In May, Brendan turned 17! Holy cow time flies!  We went to Beni Hana for his dinner with a couple of his friends and the family! He had so much fun and just loves to be with us.......

Also in May, Ethan turned 12! We went to Market Street for his birthday.

And then last but not least, Kortlen got baptized by Mark. I was so proud of him!  

It was a bit of struggle and I just about ruined the whole thing or maybe I did.  I dont know. But it was the first time I had to be in the same room as Thomas and Karlie, which was a not so fun thing. But I survived it, barely, but I did and things will get easier from here on out. I hope....

In June, Lauren graduated from American Fork High School. What a proud day! I'm so excited for her future, sad to have her grow up and leave though.  She is my sanity on most days! I don't know what I will ever do without her.  I'm so proud of who she has become. She is smart and beautiful and is an amazing person!

Also in June we were able to go to Lake Powell with my family. We had a crazy adventure but we had a great time all and all!

In July I turned the big 4-0! Crap!  But my sweet husband and family gave me the biggest surprise party!  I was shocked!  I never in a million years thought someone would do that for me!  It was so much fun!

In August our baby boy turned 1!  I cant believe it!  What a year it was, Im so happy that we had that little guy!

Also in August we went back to Lake Powell with Liana, Joel, Jaxon and Stefanie.  It was so nice and warm and so much fun! No adventures! YAY!

In September Mark and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary! We took Garrett and went to Oregon to get away and to see Roger and Barbara.  We had a great time!

In October, Jamen turned 15, and driving training begins!  Oh dear!

Also in October Lauren turned 19!!!!

Then we had Halloween! Kortlen decided he wanted a gullie suit, which turned out to be almost the death of me!!  But he was happy, so  it all worked out!  Garrett was a monkey because that's what we always call him! Our little monkey!

In November we headed back to Puerto Vallarta!  It was a perfect vacation as always! Brendan and Jamen chose to stay home, cant figure that one out, we missed them!

Then last but not least! December... We enjoyed our Christmas and we are looking forward to a fabulous New Year!

Well, hopefully I will post soon and won't have to a long year in review next time!  I hope you all have a safe and fun New Years! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!! It's been 10 months since you blogged last?!?!?! Love the massive update!! I will remind you to update more often!
